The procedure starts with a thorough analysis of your face. We evaluate the dosage you need, the frequency of the sessions, and the areas where the Kybella needs to be injected. Next, we numb the lower part of your face and your neck, using nerve blockers. We use dental blockers to make sure the region around your lips is anesthetized too. If you’re feeling nervous about the procedure, we can use a sedative, at no extra charge.
Next, we take about 0.2 ml of the Kybella formulation in a syringe and gently inject it into the treatment area. The number of injections used can sometimes go up to 50 in a single session, depending on the extensiveness of the treatment.
You may experience mild swelling and bruising on your chin and in the neck region after the Kybella injectable has been administered. We use a combination of red light therapy and topicals like Auriderm cream, Cearna patches, and PEMF to reduce the swelling and bruising.
Our treatments of Kybella in Sugar Land are very quick and painless. Your session should hardly take around 30 minutes and you can return to work after the session. Depending on your unique fat loss needs, you may be asked to come in for another session after a few days. Our specialists will craft a highly customized treatment plan to ensure you get the desired results.