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Chemical Peels
Sugar Land

Your Advanced Facial Treatment

Have facials failed to yield results? If your answer is yes, it may be time to try out a chemical peel.
Light chemical peels can effectively get rid of the damaged surface layers of the skin and leave behind healthy, glowing skin – all without causing any pain or discomfort.

The unique and highly advanced VI peel is a light peel that you need to try today.

At You Only Younger, our Sugar Land boutique med spa is one of the leading providers of the VI chemical peels in Sugar Land and the state of Texas. Our cosmetic providers have decades of experience providing skin rejuvenation treatments. You can count on us for a quick and comfortable chemical peel.

Candidates Who Can Undergo the VI Peel

Unlike other chemical peels, the VI peel targets the skin on the surface. This makes it very gentle and safe for everyone. The biggest advantage of the VI peel is that it works on all skin types and skin tones. However, you should avoid getting the VI peel if you:

• Have a skin condition that may flare up after getting the peel.
• Are allergic to any of the ingredients used in the peel.
• Have scars that are still healing or are very sensitive.
• You are currently pregnant or nursing.

Please consult our You Only Younger skincare specialists and we will be able to suggest the right solution that suits your needs.

What is a VI Peel?

VI stands for “Vitality Institute” and it is a global research organization that is at the forefront of developing premium-quality skincare products. The VI Peel is a chemical peel that was first formulated by Dr. Abdala F. Kalil in order to treat his daughter’s stubborn and inflamed acne. Today it is one of the best treatments for skin retexturing and rejuvenation.

The VI Peel is a gentle chemical peel that seeps into the top layer of the skin, unclogs the clogged pores, creates microdamage superficially, and facilitates peeling of the old and damaged skin cells. Over the course of a few days, the old skin will have peeled-off, leaving behind soft, supple, and healthy skin.

The VI Peel is formulated using ingredients like retinoic acid, phenol, trichloroacetic acid (TCA), vitamin C, retinol, and salicylic acid. These minerals, growth factors, and acids stimulate the release of collagen and elastin in the skin, filling in wrinkles and hollows and improving the texture of the skin.

Once you undergo the VI peel, you will notice how beautiful your skin looks and feels. Contact our med spa to book the best in chemical peels Sugar Land has to offer.


The VI Peel Process

The VI peel is an in-office process that takes approximately a half-hour to complete. The process starts with our professionals cleaning your face to remove the layers of dust and grime.

Next, we apply a local anesthetic cream to numb your face. The VI peel can create a tingling sensation and the anesthetic can make the experience more comfortable for you.

Then, the VI peel is gently applied onto your face. Your entire face, excluding the area around your eyes and mouth, is massaged with the VI peel. The VI peel formula is applied twice. The first peel helps unclog your surface-level pores. The second layer of peel gets a little deeper into the skin and cleanses your skin completely.

After we complete this stage, you are free to return home. We leave the peel on your face for the next 4 to 5 hours, until it dries completely. You are asked to wash your face at home thoroughly with plain water.

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Caring for Your Skin Post-Peel

The VI peel doesn’t start peeling your skin for the first 48 hours, but after this period, your skin peels at an accelerated rate for the next 2 to 3 days. It will take around a week for the peeling to stop and the new skin to surface. Our specialists will advise you about how to care for and how to dispose of your peeling skin.

During this time, we advise you not to go into the sun. Avoid cosmetics, do not touch your face excessively and wash your face only with plain water. We will recommend a moisturizer that is designed for post-peel skin. If you have any questions about the VI peel or would like to schedule a session for chemical peels in Sugar Land, please contact us today.


At You Only Younger, our goal is for everyone to look and feel their best. We want you to learn about the procedures firsthand and see actual results. Contact us today.